Organising Committee

General :

This workshop is jointly organized by The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

This workshop, covering all fields of Physics and Chemistry related to charged interfaces, therefore including, but not limited to: Condensed Matter, Soft Matter, Optics and Spectroscopy, Theoretical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry of Interfaces, Reactivity, Catalysis. Specifically, we will cover electrochemistry and charge transfer at soft interfaces as well as on solid-liquid interfaces, from nano- to macroscale, from fundamentals to applications.

Keynote speaker: Prof. Hubert Girault, EPFL, Swizerland


Dates and Location :

The workshop will take place on Thursday August 31st 2023 and Friday September 1st 2023 and will be located on the Campus LyonTech La Doua, Lyon, Tramway T1 and T4, Stop at University Lyon 1.

The workshop is held the week before the 74th Annual meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry.


Conference Organizers :

This workshop is jointly organized by The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Organizers are : 

Pierre-François Brevet (Department of Physics and Institut Lumière Matière, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)

Pekka Peljo (Material Engineering, University of Turku, Finland)


Submitting a Presentation :

If you wish to submit a presentation, please contact Pierre-François Brevet at pfbrevet[AT]
Send the title of your presentation at the same email address.
Please submit abstracts no later than July 28th, 2023 at 12 am.


Scientific Committee  :

Micheal Scanlon (University of Limerick, Ireland), Kathryn Toghill (University of Lancaster, United Kingdom), Dmitry Momotenko (University of Oldenburg, Germany), Andreas Lesch (University of Bologna, Italy), Robert Dryfe (University of Manchester, United Kingdom), Pekka Peljo (University of Turku, Finland), Pierre-Francois Brevet (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)

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